Lomba Inovasi Nasional

INCEPTION Acara Tahunan Yang Diadakan Lab Siman TI UII

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015


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Assalammu'alaikum wr.wb
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Wassalammu'alaikum wr.wb

Rabu, 16 April 2014

Trainning Production Planning and Inventory Control Calon Asisten

Pada tanggal 27 Maret 2014 Laboratorium Sistem Manufaktur Terintegrasi Teknik Industri UII menyelenggarakan trainning untuk Calon Asisten. Calon Asisten tersebut sebelumnya telah diberikan ilmu pengetahuan berupa Forecasting. Untuk mengimplementasikan ilmu yang telah diberikan maka dilakukan trainning yang mengadopsi ilmu Forecasting dan juga memberikan pengetahuan PPIC agar Calon Asisten dapat bekerja lebih baik apabila diterima menjadi Asisten Laboratorium. Implementasi tersebut diadopsikan dalam bentuk Game atau permainan yang didalamnya dibekali ilmu PPIC dengan objek permainan mendistribusikan Fuel di Nusantara Republik Indonesia. Dengan Game ini nantinya Calon Asisten memikirkan untuk mendistribusikan Fuel tetapi juga memikirkan biaya produksi, biaya backlog dan biaya inventory.

TIO SAMPURNO adalah pembuat Game PPIC ini, game ini dibuat dengan bahasa mesin C Sharp yang didalamnya dimasukkan berbagai rumus distribusi Fuel, rumus biaya produksi, rumus biaya backlog dan rumus biaya inventory. Game ini dibuat seperti dunia nyata, artinya di Republik Indonesia terdapat 4 kilang yakni Plaju, Balikpapan, Cilacap dan Dumai yang wajib mendistribusikan Fuel ke Nusantara RI. Jika Calon Asisten yang mensimulasikan game ini dan ternyata permintaan Fuel disuatu daerah tidak terpenuhi maka daerah tersebut tidak memiliki inventory dan juga backlog yang terjadi menimbulkan biaya yang besar.

Portal Jurnal Page 2

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11. Sri Indrawati, Tio Sampurno, Yogi Thanjaya, and Rahmadani R. Octaviani . (2014). Design of Confectionery Slicer for SME’s Product Quality Improvement. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing. Unduh
Managing product quality is crucial for small and medium enterprises. Customer satisfaction and loyalty will be maintained by quality products. In order to improve the quality of product, this research is conducted to develop a confectionery slicer for a small and medium enterprise using quality function deployment. The first stage in this research is doing a customer survey to determine the customer needs and their priorities in processing the product. The customers for this research are SME's SB workers. Then a data verification using statistics is done and subsequently used to develop confectionery slicer. The prioritized technical specifications of the product based on design deployment matrix formulation are size of the blade, blade number, level of mechanization, the distance between blades, the quality test and blade materials. The research proves that the developed concept of confectionery slicer is able to improve the quality and productivity of SME’s products..

12. S. M. Ali and K. Nakade. (2014). A Stochastic Programming Approach to Supply Chain Disruptions Planning and Management. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing. Unduh
In this paper, we propose a stochastic programming approach to manage supply chain disruptions of an enterprise with an emphasis on demand and disruptions uncertainty. The supply chain considered here is multi-product, multi-agent in nature. However, the model considers purchasing cost, inventory cost and emergency ordering cost. Decisions such as ordering quantities in pre-disruptions and post-disruptions situation are taken into consideration. On the other hand, quality and delivery performance requirements are also included in the proposed analytical framework. We use Monte Carlo sampling approach for the purpose of sampling for a given probability distribution of stochastic parameters. In addition, we consider a disruptions planning case study and apply Benders decomposition (BD)/L-shaped algorithm to solve the model. The model is coded on GAMS 24.1.3 and run by CPLEX ( and DECIS solver. We minimize total cost that includes first stage cost and second stage disruptions scenario cost. Several test instances with different disruptions scenarios are considered. We then compare the total costs under several disruptions scenarios. We hope that the model could be used as an effective tool to analyze and decide on supply chain disruptions planning and management of an enterprise thus it could contribute in continuity of manufacturing/business operations and therefore help in building a resilient supply chain..

Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Modul Benefit Cost Rasio

Modul Benefit Cost Ratio Download

*Perhitungan Modul Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) ditulis dalam laporan akhir yang akan dikumpulkan ketika responsi. Bagi yang merasa belum melengkapi laporan segera lengkapi maksimal tanggal 3 Januari ketika ACC.

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